Bodo Korsig (born 1962) is one of the most innovative German artists of the middle generation. As well as being a specialised printmaker, he also makes spatial objects, artist’s books and videos. Korsig’s work explores the boundaries of philosophy and science by questioning personal identity, how the human mind is composed and how these boundaries can be artificially influenced. Although his prints are mostly traditional in format, several of his woodcuts measure over two by three metres in size and are printed using a roadroller rather than a traditional printing press. The result of this seemingly brutal technique is, paradoxically, a subtle and enigmatic effect. Just like the imagined working of the human brain, Korsig’s works come across to us in an elusive and indefinable way.
In recent years, Korsig’s existential poetics have found an outlet in video pieces reflecting both lyrical wonder and the disturbing tension between states of bondage and release.
Richard Drury MA
Vedoucí kurátor / Chief curator
M: +420 725 607 392
Barborská 51 – 53, 284 01 Kutná Hora